You Sound Clear! Personal Amplifiers for Language Teaching

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I am an instructor of two hybrid Ojibwe language classes, meaning that I teach a mix of local and remote students synchronously. With the return to in-person teaching with masks in the classroom, I had an absolute need for all students to be able to hear me from behind my mask.

For the last two semesters, I have been using a personal amplifier to meet everybody’s hearing needs. The brand I use is the Zoweektek Personal Amplifier, it is available at most online retailers and comes in black and pink. I bought it at the start of the Fall for about $31 and find it helps my teaching immensely.

I tried lapel mics before this that had input directly to the Zoom meeting, but this left the in-person students without direct hearing support. I also bought a lapel mic that connected to my phone and joined the meeting as a second participant from my phone to try and take advantage of the room’s speaker system. However, nothing has been as effective or as easy as just using the personal amplifier. It’s small, rechargable (I can go almost a week without needing a charge), and for the amount that I use it (every class period!), very cost effective.

I would recommend this highly if you are in a room without a built-in wearable microphone. I have even started using it in my non-hybrid class just for extra volume. My students are able to hear me loud and clear in the room and online.

“Gibakakitaagoz!” ikidowag. “You sound clear!” they say.

By Zoe Brown, Teaching Specialist, Ojibwe Language Program

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